Many of us animators and motion designers started in this amazing field, delighted by watching cartoons and movies in our childhood. A lot of people from my generation will remember the animated shorts from Hanna Barbera: The Flintstones, Tom and Jerry, The Road Runner or Top Cat and his gang between others. Animation techniques started evolving and in the upcoming years 3D animation emerged opening a new world of possibilities that generated a revolution in the animation industry. One of the first 3D animated movies was Toy Story (1995), and with it Pixar astonished a whole generation.

It is precisely Pixar who today opens the doors to this wonderful world of magic and fantasy by giving us all their knowledge in a free online course called “Pixar in a Box”. Pixar in a Box is a behind-the-scenes that shows us how the geniuses of Pixar work to create all these incredible animated films that children and adults love so much. In this online course you can learn many techniques such as animating bouncing balls, create a swarm of robots, make virtual explosions among many other things. Everything you’ve learned at school like math, science, computing and humanities is used daily in the animation industry to create all these wonderful stories.

The content of this course features:

• The art of Story Telling
• Illumination
• Simulations
• Color Science
• Virtual cameras
• Effects
• Patterns
• Rigging
• Animation
• Landscape modeling
• Character modeling
• Crowd creating
• Virtual sets and scenes
• Rendering

Pixar Animation in collaboration with Khan Academy are sponsored by the masters from Disney. Take advantage of this excellent opportunity that they are giving us for free! Learn or maybe improve your knowledge in the exciting world of 3D animation.

Here is the link to the course: https://www.khanacademy.org/partner-content/pixar

Mi Curso de Postproducción Audiovisual para Redes Sociales en Crehana

Después de algunos días de espera ansiosa finalmente salió mi curso de Postproducción para Redes Sociales en la plataforma educativa online de Crehana. Estoy muy contento por la acogida que está teniendo y me siento muy animado por los comentarios positivos y el apoyo recibido por familiares, colegas de trabajo y amigos.

Inscríbete aquí: http://bit.ly/Crehana-postproduccion-audiovisual



Temática del curso:

Mi curso es esencial si deseas aproximarte profesionalmente al mundo de la Postproducción Audiovisual, en este caso aplicada a las Redes Sociales como Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, etc. Se basa en un sistema que propone avanzar paulatinamente en el conocimiento de Adobe After Effects apoyado por conocimientos básicos en Adobe Illustrator y Photoshop que nos servirá para preparar y adecuar nuestro material de trabajo para poder llevarlo al After. Este curso plantea dotar de todos los conocimientos necesarios para aquellos estudiantes que ven en el desarrollo audiovisual, un campo de trabajo en el cual pueden especializarse.  Al final de este curso los estudiantes alcanzarán conocimientos bastante significativos de nivel intermedio y avanzado. Aprenderán a configurar el software de acuerdo con su perfil de usuario además de crear un sistema de organización esencial para del flujo de trabajo dentro de cualquier empresa de contenido audiovisual. También aprenderán trucos para agilizar sus procesos y poder realizar entregas más rápidas y eficientes, muy necesarias dentro de un ambiente de trabajo que requiere agilidad y eficiencia como por ejemplo una agencia de publicidad.

Público objetivo:

El curso está destinado a creativos, diseñadores gráficos, editores de vídeo, post productores audiovisuales, o cualquier persona que tenga interés en adquirir los conocimientos teóricos y prácticos necesarios para animar desde cero un audiovisual para redes sociales o medios digitales.

Proyecto Final:

Simularemos el flujo de trabajo como si estuviésemos trabajando dentro de una agencia de publicidad.  A partir de un storyboards, gráficas o materiales audiovisuales que recibiremos, los organizaremos y prepararemos para transformarlos en videos para redes sociales, los cuales nos servirán para promocionar un producto, un servicio o una marca.

Software necesario:

After Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop y Media Encoder.

Si desean inscribirse, aquí les dejo el enlace:


Si tienen alguna duda o consulta por favor déjenla en los comentarios que gustosamente la responderé a la brevedad posible.

Hubspot’s email signature generator

This post may have some information outside the subject of this blog, but I thought it was worth sharing with you.

A couple of days ago I got an email from  Hubspot  with a  link  to a page where you can create your own email signature. The truth is that I loved it. It’s super easy to use and the results are very professional.

I am using it to update all the signatures of my email accounts and I am very happy. My signatures look much more professional and visually beautiful.

Here’s the link:


It should be noted that I do not have any type of affiliation with Hubspot and I do not earn anything with this, in fact the tool is free, so I hope you find it as useful as was for me.

Starting this new adventure as a teacher

was amazing

This week was very exciting for me. I received an invitation to become a teacher at Crehana .

Crehana.com is a Peruvian company dedicated to the production of online courses; or “unique educational experiences” as they call them. The company has a variety of courses in diverse creative fields and is growing very fast specially in South America.

Their numbers are incredible:


  • More than 700,000 students around the globe.
  • More than 24,000 uploaded projects, and
  • More than 450, 000 published courses

This is a totally new experience for me. I could never imagine that someday I was going to be teaching so many people, what I’ve learned in all this years in the audiovisual field. I am already excited waiting to have my course online and see what the students think about it. It has been an amazing experience for me and I hope to do this again very soon if people like it!

This first days I’ve recorded my screencast lessons and tomorrow I will be filming my on camera lessons and speeches (crossing my fingers and a bit nervous), but their team is very professional so everything should run smoothly.

I want to thank especially my family and friends that have been so supportive in this new journey I’ve been embarked.

Don’t forget to visit crehana.com to check their online courses @ www.crehana.com (all of them in Spanish at the moment).